SEO Services for Local Businesses - Packages

You’ve done the hard part, you’ve taken the plunge and started your own business – amazing news! But what about your marketing?


Sometimes it's easier to ask for help

Let our consultants take care of this part including the provision or professional SEO services whilst you're busy making your business work.


Our packages are designed to make it really easy for you to get what you need, all in one bundle. 

If you need something slightly different, please get in touch for a bespoke quotation.

To view our professional SEO services, click here.

Kick off

  • A new logo
  • A new 3 page website
  • A new business email address
Branding services

Power up

  • A new logo
  • A new 5-page website
  • Up to 3 business email addresses
  • Keyword research report
  • Copywriting for your new website based on keywords
website design


  • A new logo
  • A new 5 page website
  • Up to 5 business email addresses
  • Keyword research report
  • Copywriting for your new website based on keywords
  • Social channels setup & optimisation (up to 3 included)
Branding services

Fire up

  • A new logo
  • A new 10 page website
  • Up to 5 business email addresses
  • Keyword research report
  • Copywriting for your new website based on keywords
  • 3-month SEO package
  • Social channels setup & optimisation

Blast off

  • A new logo
  • A new website with option for eCommerce
  • Up to 5 business email addresses
  • Keyword research report
  • Copywriting for your new website based on keywords
  • 3-month SEO package
  • Social channels setup & optimisation
  • 6-month marketing plan including social media content ideas

Please note that all of our new business start-up packages are subject to monthly website and email hosting fees.

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